Introduction to Latest Mechanical Stromal Cell Transfer
(Non-Enzyme based Cell Isolation)

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As FATS is committed to bring you continuous education by bringing world-renowned experts in the field of regenerative medicine, we are very excited to introduce to you the latest Mechanical Stromal Cell Transfer, where Prof Eray Copcu will be sharing all about MEST & ARAT, the clinical applications that is applicable to your practice, the processing protocols, clinical results, comparison between enzyme-based and mechanical cell isolation and the future of Stromal cell therapies. Join us and be part of the forefront to learn about this latest technique. Register here for your complimentary access to this video by Prof Eray Copcu.

The Speaker

Prof. Eray Copcu is the first founder of Regenerative Medicine department in Turkish universities. He has published more than 50 refereed articles in international journals and contributed extensively to international books written in English. His specific teaching and research interests are in the areas of aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery, cell therapy, stem cell and SVF therapies. He is editor in chief in International Journal of Plastic Surgery . Throughout his career, he has been a visiting Professor and doing teaching to a number of international universities, including Pittsburgh and Cincinnati University US, University of Edinburgh, University of Leeds in UK ,University of Montreal in Canada and University of Tokyo in Japan.

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Course Content

Introduction to Latest Mechanical Stromal Cell Transfer (Non-Enzyme based Cell Isolation)

  • Introduction